1、Steel ball size(Single choice):
a. 6.35mm
(38) 9.82%
b. 7mm
(43) 11.11%
c. 7.5mm
(29) 7.49%
d. 8mm
(202) 52.20%
e. 8.5mm
(40) 10.34%
f. 9mm
(17) 4.39%
g. 9.5mm
(18) 4.65%
2、Shooting distance(Single choice):
a. 10m
(92) 23.77%
b. 10m、15m
(240) 62.02%
c. 10m、12m、14m、16m、18m
(55) 14.21%
3、Target diameter(Multiple choice,cannot exceed 5 items):
a. 10cm
(82) 21.19%
b. 9cm
(52) 13.44%
c. 8cm
(208) 53.75%
d. 7cm
(223) 57.62%
e. 6cm
(295) 76.23%
f. 5cm
(229) 59.17%
g. 4cm
(295) 76.23%
h. 3cm
(125) 32.30%
4、Number of participants in team matches(Single choice):
a. 3 people
(119) 30.75%
b. 4 people
(156) 40.31%
c. 5 people
(74) 19.12%
d. 6 people
(11) 2.84%
e. 7 people
(27) 6.98%
5、WSA The all-round competition category will be set. Which of the following do you want the all-round competition to include(Multiple choice):
a. Precision competition (can use sights, rubber band can be fixed in any form)
(279) 72.09%
b. Traditional competition (cannot use sight, rubber band can only be tied by hand)
(203) 52.45%
c. Frameless competition (only consisting of the entire rubber band and leather pocket, shooting with bare hands)
(140) 36.18%
d. Speed Shooting (1 minute time limit, unlimited number of shots)
(149) 38.50%